The key of this video is the "SECRET" of education, and where the secret lies.
On first time, we have to think about critical activities, how to plan our lessons, to think about learning styles, and how can the same learning goes different with different classes.
At this video, we were talking about activities to do in class with different materials, becouse we have to plann our lessons and think what are the activities that we are going to do.
We can use flashcards, but we have to think about how are we going to use it, and to present it to the class, and introduce it to children. We can show it slowly, or use it in a song, or we can look something and draw it, or just ask to their what is something and they have to answer it with their body, but we are all agree in something. Children need movements, they need to move and not to be stative.
We have to find the context, and then we have to connect language and the context, becouse culture are like parts of an onion and we, as teachers, has to adapt learning rythms. We have to be enthusiastic, to provided they visual support, to engaged children to participate, becouse they need to understand hat it is happening, they need reasons and they need to use real life objects to learn and to connect the context with the real life. That is the way to learn something, and... the most important thing, is that children needs fun.
On the other hand, we can do thing to accelerated learning cycle. We have to find the way to connect the activities, and the context.
We have to use language, and give oportunities to the children, the key is that when you understand something you can explain it to the others, and this is how we are going to notice that they are learning and understanding something, when we give they the oportunity to explain it to the others. And of course, this is nothing without review. this is the momento when they consolidate their learning. We have to think about what did we learned, and how did we learned it, becouse learning without reviewing hasn´t have sense.
To sum up, as I said at the beginning of this post... We need to know what is the SECRET of education. Okey... let me show you something.
S: Sensory acuity. To do something with all the senses that we have. We have to use the body lenguage, body contact, eye contact, voice, gesture... we have to take care about everything when we are in class and we want to work with children in the correct way.
E: Emotions. the emotional inteligence. We have to know that there are three possitions. First possition, is the self possition, and if you are in this possition, you are going to take things as if they are personal, and you can´t resolve conflicts. Then, there are the second possition, and this is the other possition, here we can have empathy and anticipate problems. And at the end, but this is the most important possition for us, the third possition, this is the observer possition. We have to know when do we have to be in each position.
C: Communication. We have to use body lenguage, and we have to notice children what is good about what they did, not just to say "very good", we have to explain what is good, and we have to "catch them being good", this is so important, becouse then they are going to know that they can do that thing in the good way.
R: Relationships. They have to know that weare not friends, but the have to notice that you apreciates them. They need to do something all together, like sing a song and report each others, or to use rutines or rituals before the beginning of the class.
E: Evaluation. We have to think about what is the correct way to evaluate something.
T: Talk, but this is a particular king of talk, this is tactical talk, and this consists in offering choice to children. They have to choose an option and they have to ne responsible of what they choose. For this, to resolve the conflict, we have to be in the their person position.
And to sum up, we are going tovtry to anwer a question... WHERE THE SECRET OF WORK WITH CHILDREN LIES?
It lies on you. You are the secret, and you have to be self-confidence, and you have to enjoy your ork, and to know that you are doing it good.
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